Have you tried making pasta from scratch?

Making pasta from scratch is simple and you get a workout for free. Follow the link to get a quick and free recipe

Have you tried making pasta from scratch?
Nests of fresh dried pasta with sprinkles of flour on a flat artisan wooden board - (by Dall-2 openai.com)

Who doesn't love some decent pasta?

My little one loves, loves, loves pasta. Calling them Maca (for Macaroni). I recalled that a few years back I used to make pasta from scratch. And the taste is of course in a different league compared to store-bought products.

And it's not that difficult - except for the amount of energy you need to put into rolling out a flat sheet of dough. This is not your cookie dough, not even like pizza. You will have done a bit of a workout unless you have one of those pasta makers.

Here is a basic recipe for the dough. You could mix it and knead with your hands, but I strongly recommend a food processor (not a food blender, I mean those with a hook to knead dough, something like a Kitchen Aid®️ will do).


  • 300 g plain flour
  • 3 eggs
  • 2-3 tbsps olive oil
  • dash of salt

Making the dough

  • Put everything into a food processor with kneading hook (no food blender) or big bowl if you use your bare hands.
  • Mix everything
  • After 2-3 minutes put the crumbly dough on a plate and knead by hand until you end up with a nice round ball of dough.
  • Wrap the dough in cling foil or put it into a small food container with a lid and set aside for 15-30 minutes before going to the next step

Making the pasta

  • Take the dough and roll it out evenly. Try to get a square shape. 1-2 mm thick.
  • Then use a Pizza cutter to cut noodles
  • Spread some flour over them and then pick 5-10 noodles twirl them into a little nest and put on a board. Do so with the rest of the noodles.
  • Now leave them to dry for a couple of hours.

Cooking the pasta

  • Bring a pot of water and a bit of salt to the boil.
  • Add the desired amount of pasta.
  • Leave to cook for about 3-5 minutes (depending how thick they are and how al dente you prefer them)

So, now you have some pasta. What's missing? Yes, a nice pasta sauce. I will share one in the next post. Until then your own Bolognese recipe should work just fine.

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