Quick Mini Pizzas

My first post is about food. And it will be a short quick post. That's why it is a Quick Pizza. No photos, just words. There is no time for photos.

Ingredients needed for 4 Mini Pizzas

  • 200 g flour
  • 100 ml water
  • a dash of salt
  • olive oil to taste
  • 100 g Tomato purée
  • Basil, Oregano, whatever you like

To make the dough put water, flour, olive oil and salt into a food processor, blender, thermomix - or into a bowl and use your hands to kneed a nice dough. It should not stick to your fingers. If so, add a small amount (a teaspoon) of flour, kneed again. Repeat until smooth and not sticky. Think of playdough.

Cut into 4 equal sized pieces and roll out into round thin pizza shapes. use flour on the surface, and add a bit when the dough starts to become sticky.

Fold outer margin inwards into a nice shaped crust.

For the tomato sauce put tomato purée, herbs, olive oil, some water, salt, pepper into a small bowl. Mix well.

Spread the tomato sauce evenly over the 4 mini pizzas.

Top with some grated cheese and more olive oil.

Put into the middle of a preheated oven (fan about 150-170 degree celsius) for 10-15 minutes.
